Cornerstone Community Church in Bangalore Dedicated to the Lord

Cornerstone Community Church in Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) has been opened to the public for worships and services on Sunday, the 22nd September 2019 at 11:00am with the dedication service held in the presence of Almighty God and his precious people.

Pastor Peter preached the word of God with “The Cornerstone” as the title of the message and said that in a building the cornerstone is most important as it holds the entire structure together and that is Lord Jesus Christ. He said the Psalmist stated long ago about the cornerstone and that is pointed to Lord Jesus, as seen in Psalm 118:22-24
22The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
23 the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.

It is a joyful day for us because the Lord has done it for us and we rejoice and we are glad, he said.

And at the centre of all this is Lord Jesus Christ.

He said, “Without Him (Christ) as the cornerstone this church will not exist and it will have no meaning. Therefore, Christ is the cornerstone of this church. With him as the cornerstone, when the rain comes down, when the streams rose and when the wind beats against this church it will never collapse,” he said.

And the preacher urged everyone to lay their foundation on the cornerstone – the rock of Christ.

He further stated that the reason why Lord Jesus quoted Psalm 118:26 in Matthew 21 on the parable of the talents is because Lord Jesus was rejected just like the tenants did not welcome servants nor the son and killed them all. On finishing this Lord Jesus mentioned that the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

He also said that the reason why the church exists if one sums up is to bear fruits (get blessings from the Lord) and to give fruits (to be a blessing to others) just like the parable of tenants described, he said. It means as believers are blessed by the Lord with new life, believers must go out and reach out to others and bless them with the precious gospel which can change lives as millions are lost and are suffering because of not knowing the truth of the gospel that brings – salvation, eternal life and unshakable hope of a future.

He wished that the church will blessed and be a blessing to many in the area, he said.

The church occupies the ground floor of the Olivet Assembly of India building which will be temporary in nature. The church will move up when the renovation of the building is completed.

Do come and worship with us every Sunday at 11:00am – 12:30pm followed by graceful fellowship and refreshments.